Home Cryptocurrency Top 5 Best Crypto Wallets of 2023

Top 5 Best Crypto Wallets of 2023

by CoinEsper
Published: Last Updated on 5 minutes read
Top 5 Best Crypto Wallets 2023

This best cryptocurrency wallets of 2023 review will guide you through the best places to store your Bitcoin and altcoins. Over the past 10 years, Bitcoin’s value has skyrocketed. Cryptocurrencies have taken the world by storm. This leads us to need ever more safe places to store our digital investments. If you’re new to cryptocurrency and you’re wondering what software or hardware you’ll need, this post is for you. It’s never been easier to get involved in crypto so check out this post and we’ll have you covered on the safest, easiest and best crypto wallets available on the market today.

What to consider when choosing a cryptocurrency wallet

First, let’s take a quick review of the features to look for when choosing a crypto wallet:

Security: Make sure the wallet has strong security measures in place, such as two-factor authentication, to protect your funds from hackers.

Ease of use: Look for a wallet that is easy to use, with a user-friendly interface.

Compatibility with your devices: Choose a wallet that is compatible with the devices you use, such as a desktop computer, a smartphone, or a tablet.

Supported cryptocurrencies: Make sure the wallet supports the cryptocurrencies you want to store and trade.

Fees: Some wallets charge fees for certain transactions, so be sure to compare the fees of different wallets before making a decision.

1. Best hot crypto wallet — Coinmetro

Coinmetro is one of the easiest ways to buy, sell and store cryptocurrencies. With Coinmetro, US users are able to INSTANTLY fund their Coinmetro accounts with USD through ACH transfers.

This is done through Plaid integration. Plaid is a very well known and trusted third party which allows you to login to your bank through the Coinmetro interface, so you do not have to leave the exchange to make a deposit. It’s so simple

Likewise, UK residents can connect a UK bank account and buy and sell the best cryptocurrencies with ease.

While the big upside of Coinmetro is ease of use, it’s also one of the safest platforms and wallets around.

Coinmetro is an example of an exchange based wallet. If you don’t need access to your crypto or you want to minimise the level of funds you keep on-line, you may want to keep it in cold storage off-line.

To learn more about the differences between hot and cold wallets you can check out our post here:

Try the Coinmetro wallet.

2. Best for security — Ledger Nano

Ledger Nano hardware wallet

The Ledger Nano is a USB sized hardware wallet specially designed for the cryptocurrency. It’s a cold wallet so your cryptocurrencies can be stored off-line making it one of the safest ways to keep your funds safe.

It offers many features which are hard to find in any other type of cryptocurrency wallets, especially in terms of security and backup of your private key for the digital currency.

The Ledger Nano allows you to complete a transaction, exchange your digital currency, use the related apps and transfer money from one account to another account within seconds.

The edge the Ledger Nano has over other hardware wallets is the number of coins and tokens it supports and its extremely portable size.

Underlining all these great attributes, the Ledger Nano is very secure from hackers because the physical buttons that have to be used for any transaction to be carried out, and it has an anti-tamper proof feature which checks the integrity of the hardware wallet every time it is powered up.

Check out the Ledger Nano.

3. Best for desktop: Electrum

electrum desktop crypto wallet

Electrum made its way on the scene when Bitcoin was valued at just a few dollars. It’s one of the oldest and most reliable wallets out there. It’s now estimated that over 10% of all Bitcoin transactions occur on Electrum.

Electrum is a software wallet which means your Bitcoin is stored in a set of files on your home computer. It’s currently available for Windows, Mac OS X, Linux and Android.

The most significant benefit is that you can quickly download and install Electrum. From there, you can store your Bitcoin.

Electrum is considered one of the most secure and best bitcoin wallets available today.

For further info visit the Electrum official site.

4. Best user experience for desktop: Exodus

Exodus crypto wallet

The Exodus crypto wallet offers a beautiful and intuitive experience when storing crypto. If you are looking for a wallet for your digital currency which has clean graphics, a concise reporting system, colourful and user-friendly then Exodus should rank high on your list.

In addition, Exodus has advanced features which you expect to have in any advanced desktop client or software wallet (support for multiple currencies, one-click exchange, top-notch security protocols).

Try Exodus crypto wallet here.

5. Best crypto wallet for mobile: MyCelium

mycelium crypto wallet

If you’re looking for a top smartphone Bitcoin wallet, then the MyCelium wallet may be the one for you. It’s hard to find too many faults with the product. It’s simple to understand and has more complex features for advanced users.

Sending and receiving is super fast which makes it effective for storing and using small amounts of Bitcoin (this is the only crypto it supports).

The only drawback is the potential security threats of it being online.

As with any device that is continually online storing private keys, security is never 100% guaranteed. In our opinion, this is a great option for sending and receiving Bitcoin on the move and is something which can complement other storage options.

Get started on Mycelium here.

Best Cryptocurrency Wallets of 2023 — Final Thoughts

And that’s our guide to the ‘Best Cryptocurrency Wallets of 2023’ for storing Bitcoin and altcoin. We are sure that from this curated selection there are a number of options that will fit your needs. If you found this post helpful, please share us on your social media channel below.

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